Good morning and welcome to this workshop. I hope you all have your coffee, tea and/or water ready and are excited to built your first website. Before we take off I would like take a few moments for a quick intro.
/* CSS HEX */
–oxford-blue: #011638ff;
–space-cadet: #233451ff;
–independence: #45536Aff;
–slate-gray: #677283ff;
–roman-silver: #89909Bff;
–silver-metallic: #ABAFB4ff;
–light-gray: #CDCDCDff;
WordPress website consists of:
OnePager (all content lives on a single page)
Create your header and footer (PRO)
This is our "roadmap" for today. At the end of the day you will have this website live on the internet. Ready to be filled with content.
You need this file to import the sample data to your wp-local developement area.
This script files are required to upload your local site to it's new home on the internet.